assalamualaikum semua..
salam 1 malaysia juga (^_^)v
skrg ni aku kat opis mcm xd keje sgt, yela sumer org dok sebuk daa cuti raye nk balik kampung hanya aku ngn member aku berdua je la kitaorg kerja untuk mlm ni..
jadi aku xd keje aku berjalan-jalan melompat-lompat dari satu blog ke blog lain..
untuk kalini aku sgt tertarik ngn blog kawan aku.. encik adam ahmad. hee ;D tetau la tapi aku termushkil aku ngn hubby aku nanti tergolong yg mane la..
xpon sempat ke aku nikah sebelum aku pegi.. hurm tah la. tuhan je yg tahu.
mesti blur aku cakap pasal ape kan.. heee
klik sini aku share ngn korg sumer. :) mende per yg aku ngarutkan ni.
sbb tu org dok cakap jodoh kekal dunia akhirat kan.. skrg aku dh paham.. maksud jodoh dunia akhirat lagi mendalam..
mesti korg dah biase ngok pompuan mata cmni.. (kompem) tapi korg akan xbiase ngok aku bermata camni.. so baik la korg usha. aku ngn mata cmtu.. sesuai ke.. or sesuaii kene gelak. sbb aku pon xpnh nengok aku bermata camni.. Hahahah :)
al-kisahnyer.. tahun ni xd la shopink raye sakan. ala kadar je. biase la tanggungan makin byk.. hehehhe tapi sempat jugak shopink brg make-up. bukan aku yg shopink tapi dia.. so tugas aku perabihkan make-up org la.. nk MAKE Over konon.. kalo muke buruk pakai ape pon buruk. kalo muke chantik pakai ape pon chantik. tu la kesimpulannyer.. xyh nk maybeline sgt.. xyh nk loreal sgt.. silky girl pon xyh..
asalkan hati budi cantik semua pon cantik tol x..
name pon blog JUST BE-YOU-TIFULL.. so mintak jadi la diri sendiri okay.. xyh plastik sgt.
so layan je la gambar tu. sekali ni je la kot aku buat mate cmgini.. esok luse tamaoo daa.. nk buang make-up nyer kumain la payah.. adess allergic tol. myusahkan.. btol la org ckp beauty is pain.. haaiissshhh..
tetibe teringat lak, dlu aku pnh bace status sape tah kat fb.. aku suke sgt.. berbunyi mcm ni.. tapi ayat dia lain sikit la.. ni ayat aku..
beruntung ke kalo jadi perempuan cantik yg senang didampingi lelaki hanya kerana paras rupa bukan kerana ingin memenangi ikhlas hatinya.. or beruntung ke jadi perempuan yg rupa paras biase sedangkan lelaki yg mendampinginya ikhlas untuk menangi hatinya bukan kecantikannya..
pikir-pikir kan lah..
p/s; jgn usha gambar aku lame2.. takot mlm kang xboleh tdo jek nmpk muke hantu cm aku lalal~ (^_^)v
Sejak beberapa minggu ni, aku rase jijik. comot. selekeh. teruk. hodoh. cacat. hina. sensitive.
macam-macam aku pikir.
nk tido pon aku asyek teringt semua benda buruk yg pnh jadi dulu.
kecut perut.
tak boleh nk terang dgn perkataan pon pe yg aku rase.
lagi-lagi kalau aku teringat mende yg aku pnh buat dlu.
sng je air mata ni meleleh. laju pulak tu.
murah sgt..
bile pandang cermin ngok muke sendiri pon rase xsanggup. aku bodoh.
sebelum2 ni pon aku rase cmtu jugak. tapi lately makin mjadi2.
naik semak kepale otak ni.
org terdekat aku pon kompem fedup.
aku mintak maaf..
pe punca pon aku tetau. kurang kasih syg? terlebih kasih syg? tah la.. tapi yg benarnyerr.. aku rase teruk..
ape bende yg aku buat sumer aku rase xkene.. xtenang..
kacau bilau.
nk pejam mata takutnyer rase..
Ya Allah.. aku pon tetau lah..
"Astagafirullah al azim al lazi la i la ha illa hu wal hayyul qayyummu wa atuh bu ilaik"
bile ade musibah baru nk istifar panjang..
tu la aku. tu la manusia akhir zaman.
macam-macam dugaan jadi dlm bulan mulia ni.
kuah.lemah nyer iman aku ni Dia je yg tahu.
Org cakap bila Tuhan tu duga kita..
sbnarnyer tu peluang, jalan yg diberi supaye kita lebih mendekatkan diri dgn Tuhan.
kalau ini lah jalan yg Tuhan bagi kat aku supaye aku sedar.
InsyaAllah..aku manfaatkan peluang ni sebaik mungkin. aku redha.
"Doa Dimurahkan Rezeki, Penenang Fikiran dan Hati serta Ketenteraman Jiwa"
Selamat beramal.
Favorite song ever! hee LOL :D #1 okay.
i cant stop listening this sog.. hahahah :)
seriously..this song describes perfectly how i feel..
makes me wanna cry for some reason :')
its remind me my first love but it doesnt matter.. for noww..
bcoz i have a better one currently..
i like the song though. (:
past is past.. wake up and start new..
besides..this song.. still a song right?
enjoy the song!
..this song is about a girl would loved a boy with every part of her and he loved her deeply but he didn't fully understand what he had when he was with her, breaking up was the hardest decision she had to make, she could see he felt something for someone else even though he said he still loved her and would deny any feelings for the other girl, but he wanted to see if there was something better and not settle down just yet for he was only so young, so after she had enough of the lies she left him and he chose to purse the other girl, but all the while his first love was on his mind. She was still heart broken and still loved him, but hates what he did to her at the same time. even looking at him brought memories of what they had together, and she felt as though no one could replace what she had with him. a year goes by and throughout the year the boy stays with the other girl but knows it was not anywhere near the magic he had with his first love. he comes back into her life wanting her advice and help with what he should do, wanting his first love to tell him that she still needs him. but she has learnt never to trust him again, she will never let someone throw her away to find something better and then come to the realisation that she was the best he could have ever had and expect her to jump straight back into his arms. he hurt her so deeply that just coming back into her life wont fix it, she wishes she never met him so he could have never hurt her, wishes he didnt have any control over her, and wishes she never fell in love with a liar. who does he think he is coming back into her life after lying and choosing someone else to replace her, it will never work because of all the hurt he caused, all the lies he said and the hate created. the scar will be with her for the rest of her life but its a reminder to her to never let someone steal a part of her again, never to be tricked into believing empty words but mostly it is a reminder to never be tricked by him again. the scar is a learning curve so she can only improve what she has from now on and as soon as there is doubt she will let her heart take over and end it before she gets another gash that should have been prevented from the start.
Everytime I think everything is going really well, I mean, I try really hard - it all fucks up. And I think that maybe, I'm just one of those people that doesn't deserve to be happy.
I know it’s human nature for people to feel bad, and have regret, and to be hurt. The thing that hurts the most is pretending that it doesn't.